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Spinning Mills ERP

Our Spinning Mill ERP Solution adopted most functionality of spinning business to manage your spinning mills. Our software coverage all processes of production ,Accounts, marketing , commercial, HR payroll and Inventory

  • What You Will Get Under This Solution

  • Booking/Order Confirmation
  • Yarn Production as marketing order confirmation
  • Yarn Delivery Section Delivery as per D.O.
  • After completing delivery as per order or may be partial delivery Commercial Section prepared documents
  • Buyer give the accpetance then bill realise to saler bank

Dyeing ERP

Great opportunity to solve all the complicated issues related to Dyeing industry and maintain proper business procedure by our ERP.Tracking every booking order to delivery finished fabric & commercial part full cycle of dyeing business as dyeing booking ,fabric receive,issue,bathcing, dyeing recipe, production ,finishing & delivery

  • What You Will Get Under This solution

  • Tracking every order of dyeing by system generated tracking no
  • Gray fabric store receive gray fabric from client
  • Batch section create batch for dyeing
  • Gray store issue fabric to batch
  • production section create dyeing recipe as per batch
  • After dyeing delivery the finished fabric